Roundabout two thousand kilometers i used the Flying Dutchman frame. But the biggest problem was the single rim brake on the front. It was a deathtrap, so i built another one.
I had this frame for more than a decade. It was my daily commuter bike. I bought it used around 2005. It got stolen once but i got it back from the police :). It had a discbrake on the front so i switched parts from the dutchie to it and used it for another 3500km.

I had a disc brake on the front, but still couldn’t fit one on the rear wheel. I didn’t care. It was big fun chasing tuned eBikes and humiliating them. But the concept of a high powered eBike died with this second prototype. In my mind it’s either a bike oder a motorbike. For Grandmas the eBike is a gift, but for me, it’s just not. Too complicated, too many parts. And i calculated it: the amount of power you can pedal is just about 15% of the used energy. So can you can safe a cent on every 20km. It’s just not worth it.
Lost the chain and one pedal, but didn’t care. Everything is there, but the IS mount didn’t fit. Useless cheap china break lastet 500km max. I didn’t have a single fault, even with this cable management.
Prototype Mark II
I called it prototype, but it wasn’t one. Most importantly because of the wheels. The seating position is for pedaling, the saddle is way too high on a bicycle. And the tires are too flimsy. What i had in mind was more like a classical Piaggio Ciao.
So i tried to find a 24 inch fatrim and went back to the workshop.
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